Dextrose Saline 1/5TH 500CC (FDL) Paeds




Dextrose Saline 1/5TH 500CC is primarily indicated in conditions like Carbohydrate depletion, Dehydration, Energy source, Fluid depletion, Hypoglycaemia, Water replacement, and can also be given in adjunctive therapy as an alternative drug of choice in Cerebral oedema, Varicose veins.

Side Effects 

The severe or irreversible adverse effects of Dextrose Saline 1/5TH 500CC, which give rise to further complications include Anaphylactoid reactions, Seizures, Water intoxication, Diabetes mellitus., Dextrose Saline 1/5TH 500CC produces potentially life-threatening effects which include Coma, Heart failure, Edema, Sodium retention, which are responsible for the discontinuation of Dextrose Saline 1/5TH 500CC therapy., The symptomatic adverse reactions produced by Dextrose Saline 1/5TH 500CC are more or less tolerable and if they become severe, they can be treated symptomatically, these include Thrombophlebitis, Hypokalemia, Hypomagnesemia, Paresthesias, Hypophosphatemia, Vein irritation, Pain at injection site.


Dextrose Saline 1/5TH 500CC is contraindicated in conditions like Diabetes mellitus, Anuria, Thiamine deficiency,Trauma,Intracranial hemorrhage, Sepsis, H ypophosphataemia, Haemodilution, Acute ischaemic stroke.


Perform clinical evaluations and laboratory determination to monitor fluid balance, electrolytes concentration and acid-base balance. There may be the chances of hyperglycemia and glycosuria in such conditions slow the infusion rate monitor blood or urine Dextrose Saline 1/5TH 500CC, if necessary administered insulin. When concentrated Dextrose Saline 1/5TH 500CC infusion is abruptly withdrawn, administered 5% or 10% glucose.


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