Azopt Drop 5ml





Azopt Drop 5ml is used topically to reduce intra-ocular pressure in the management of glucoma and ocular hypertension.


Azopt Drop 5ml is primarily indicated in conditions like Glucoma, Ocular hypertension.

Side Effects

The symptomatic adverse reactions produced by Azopt Drop 5ml are more or less tolerable and if they become severe, they can be treated symptomatically, these include Dizziness, Headache, Blurred vision, Urticaria, Itching, Dermatitis, Rhinitis, Taste disturbances, Dryness of eye, Blepharitis, Eye discharge, Eye Pain.


Effects of prolonged use on corneal epithelial cells have not been evaluated; has not been studied in acute angle-closure glaucoma, renal impairment (parent and metabolite may accumulate). Patients with allergy to the sulfonamides; systemic absorption may cause serious reactions to recur. It is classified as pregnancy category C and should be used only when the benefit of therapy outweigh the risk to fetus



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