
Amybact Sachet0


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SKU: 026283 Category:




For the treatment and prevention of Amybact Sachet acute and chronic infectious diarrhoea of non-specific origin, antibiotic associated diarrhoea, traveler’s diarrhoea, general gastrointestinal well-being and other gastrointestinal symptoms. To lower the frequency of colic/ irritability in infants. To lower the frequency of antibiotic use. To enhance immune response after vaccination. To alleviate symptoms of atopic eczema by immune modulating effect. To improve eradication of H. pylori and restores depletion of H. pylori and restores depletion of GI Bifidobacterium after antibiotic treatment. Amybact can be combined with ORS, antibiotics, anti-fungal, anti protozoal, antiviral, other anti diarrhoeal products and also with chemotherapeutic agents. Dosage Usual recommendation dose of Amybact is 1-2 sachet per day. It can be recommended upto 6 sachet per day depending on the severity of condition, to be continued for 1 wk after the symptoms subside. In co-prescription with antibiotic administer 1 sachet 2-3 hr before or after the administration of antibiotics, to be continued at least for 1 wk after the antibiotic therapy. In antibiotic associated diarrhoea administer 1 sachet 2-3 hr before or after the administration of antibiotics, to be continued at least for 1 wk after the antibiotic therapy. In traveler’s diarrhoea, to be continued for 1 wk pre and post travel. Amybact can be recommended at and above the age of three mth.


ICI Pharmaceuticals


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