Acdermin Gel 20gm



Acdermin Gel

History of acute eczema, rosacea or perioral dermatitis. Acne conglobata or fluminans. Lincomycin sensitivity. Regional enteritis, ulcerative colitis, history of antibiotic associated colitis. Personal or family history of skin cancer. Precautions: Avoid eyes, mouth and mucous membranes. Atopy. Minimize exposure to UV light. Severe renal or hepatic impairment. Elderly.

Indications For the treatment of acne vulgaris. Dosage Apply once daily in the evening or at bedtime.

Pharmacokinetics CLINDAMYCIN: Absorption: Minimal (4%-5%). Metabolism: Hepatic. Excretion: Urine. TRETINOIN: Absorption: Systemic absorption is minimal after topical use (1%-31%). Metabolism: Hepatic. Half-life elimination: Terminal: 0.5-2 hrs. Excretion: Urine. Faeces.


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