Optachlor Eye Ointment 5gm




Interstitial nephritis, Hemolytic anemia, Aplastic anemia, Hair growth depression, Physical growth depression.,Optachlor Eye Ointment 5gm produces potentially life-threatening effects which include Bone marrow suppression, Grey b aby syndrome, Anaphylaxis. which are responsible for the discontinuation of Optachlor Eye Ointment 5gm therapy., The signs and symptoms that are produced after the acute overdos age of Optachlor Eye Ointment 5gm include Grey baby syndrome.,The symptom atic adverse reactions produced by Optachlor Eye Ointment 5gm are more or less tolerable and if they become severe, they can be treated symptom atically, these include Headache, Nausea, Vomiting, Diarrhea, Maculop apular rash, Stomatitis, Confusion, Pruritus, Depression, Glossitis, Delirium, Vision disturbances, Confusion, Transient stinging, Typhoid, Salmonella infection.


Optachlor Eye Ointment 5gm is contraindicated in conditions like Hypersensitivity.


Evalu ate blood count after every 2 days during therapy of Optachlor Eye Ointment 5gm. Avoid concurrent therapy with other drugs that may cause bone marrow depression. It should be used with caution in case of liver or kidney disease. Discontinue therapy if secondry infection occurs.

High Risk Group Drug should not be given to Paediatrics, Pregnant Mothers, patients suffering from Kidney dysfunction, patients suffering from Liver Malfunction, and Neonates., If prescribing authority justifies the benefits of the drug against the possible damages he/she should reevaluate them and consult the reference material and previous studies.


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